Doodlebug the Taxi Beetle

Doodlebug the Taxi Beetle
Doodlebug is a small taxi/sun beetle that is decorated in beautiful colours. His kind don't live very long but we are looking after his babies!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spot the Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko's originates from places like the highlands of Asia, throughout Afghanistan and in parts of northern India. Spot, our female Leopard Gecko, lives on a diet of Large Locusts and Crickets, and has had this diet for her whole life. Meal Worms are also an option to feeding Leopard Geckos, although we find Crickets and Locusts are better because Meal Worms are full of starch and fat which they find harder to digest.

Spot lives in a Vivarium, which is a  wooden tank, where, (in this particular case), has three wooden walls, floor and ceiling and a glass sliding front door. Spot needs a UV and a heat light to give her a feeling of home, helping her with mental health, and to keep her at a suitable temperature for her skin. Spot needs one side of the tank hotter than the other so she can cool off and have different temperatures at her choice. She also needs spraying with clean Repti-safe water so she can have the correct amount of humidity. We also include sand and bare, thick, small, tree branches for her to climb, as well as several huts, for resting and climbing.

We feed spot once or twice a week, and has a water bowl, which is topped up regularly to keep her hydrated. Spot is nocturnal, but occasionally appears in the day. We love our Leopard Gecko so much, and we hope you love yours as much as we love ours. Thank you for reading and we hope this information was helpful to you.

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